Oxford REALTY 3 LOCATIONS 2009 13TH AVE N 314 KITTSON AVE 515 DEMERS AVE (701) 772-2522 OXFORDREALTYND.COM PRICERE 508 S 4th Street 4 BR-325 BA 5202900 Lany 210Y9.0071 512 Beacon Circle 293 Circle Hils 3B1.75 BA-S0000 Mke 701.740se9 Lany 2187 6071 CERIUCED DENOR 3210 Cherry St e26 2BR1BA S0.000 525 12h St NW, EGF 2BR1 BA Ssea.00 David 701741-3415 414 Plain Hilis Dr 4 BA-225 BA S250900 Larry: 218-779-6071 2001 2nd Ave N 3 BR1.75 BA S205.000 Marvin 701.7394906 Barb. 218.779.13a 4829 tron Gate Ct 3B-2 BA 5.000 David: 701.7413415 1950 20th St. NE 4 BR25 BA 4,00 Lamy 218 79.6071 1059 Robin Road NE Land Lot S74,000 Lamy 2189 0071 1705 20th Ave S 4 BR2 BAs.000 Mike: 701.7409509 206 6h St. Emerado 4 BA-2 BA $139.900 Mary. 701.3173314 512 Booth Ave, Larimore 4 BR-25 BA-$125.000 Mary. 701.3173314 406 W Main St, Larimore 5 BA-3BAso.095 Mary. 701.317314 160 acres in Marshal County MN Land $144.000 David 701-7413415 EXEDUCEL Wissane 315 N ah Street, Grand Forks Mike 701.7400se 224 Nh S Commercial for Lease Lamy. 218.0771 5149 N 45 Street Rural Falconer Township 1731 22nd SI NE, Emerado 5BR-2 BAS114.900 Mike: 701,740.9500 Mke. T01.740.660 1122 N43rd Steet Commercial Property s064.2 Mike 201.74AO D0 710S 14h Steet Commercial for Lease $1500moth Mke 701.740 9s00 1000 N 42nd St 2514 Hannah Ave NW. Bemidi Commercial Property For Sale Commercial for Lease Jon Smonson 701 213.1414 $2.000.000 Mke 701.740 sse9 Darel Dallum Mke Opp Broker CRS, GRI, SFR 701.740.90 Marvin Hodny Broker Assoclate Marlan Shul Realtor Realtor 701.739.4906 701.741.024 218.791.5806 John Simonson Realtor Kevin Hodny Realtor 701.739.222 Kely Thompson Realtor 210.779.8019 Barb Hangsleben CRS, GRI, ABR 218.779.1331 701.213.1414 Dick Johnson Broker Associate GRI 701.741.0680 Mary Hoverson Realtor Scott Zukowski Realtor Cheryl Tupa GRI 701.3173314 218.791.7054 701.739.1601 Lary Hond Realtor 218.779.6071 Michael McFartane Realtor 701.864.0566 David Blumkin CRS, GRI, ABR 701.741.3415 Oxford Call Mike Opp for a career with Oxford! Oxford REALTY 3 LOCATIONS 2009 13TH AVE N 314 KITTSON AVE 515 DEMERS AVE (701) 772-2522 OXFORDREALTYND.COM PRICERE 508 S 4th Street 4 BR-325 BA 5202900 Lany 210Y9.0071 512 Beacon Circle 293 Circle Hils 3B1.75 BA-S0000 Mke 701.740se9 Lany 2187 6071 CERIUCED DENOR 3210 Cherry St e26 2BR1BA S0.000 525 12h St NW, EGF 2BR1 BA Ssea.00 David 701741-3415 414 Plain Hilis Dr 4 BA-225 BA S250900 Larry: 218-779-6071 2001 2nd Ave N 3 BR1.75 BA S205.000 Marvin 701.7394906 Barb. 218.779.13a 4829 tron Gate Ct 3B-2 BA 5.000 David: 701.7413415 1950 20th St. NE 4 BR25 BA 4,00 Lamy 218 79.6071 1059 Robin Road NE Land Lot S74,000 Lamy 2189 0071 1705 20th Ave S 4 BR2 BAs.000 Mike: 701.7409509 206 6h St. Emerado 4 BA-2 BA $139.900 Mary. 701.3173314 512 Booth Ave, Larimore 4 BR-25 BA-$125.000 Mary. 701.3173314 406 W Main St, Larimore 5 BA-3BAso.095 Mary. 701.317314 160 acres in Marshal County MN Land $144.000 David 701-7413415 EXEDUCEL Wissane 315 N ah Street, Grand Forks Mike 701.7400se 224 Nh S Commercial for Lease Lamy. 218.0771 5149 N 45 Street Rural Falconer Township 1731 22nd SI NE, Emerado 5BR-2 BAS114.900 Mike: 701,740.9500 Mke. T01.740.660 1122 N43rd Steet Commercial Property s064.2 Mike 201.74AO D0 710S 14h Steet Commercial for Lease $1500moth Mke 701.740 9s00 1000 N 42nd St 2514 Hannah Ave NW. Bemidi Commercial Property For Sale Commercial for Lease Jon Smonson 701 213.1414 $2.000.000 Mke 701.740 sse9 Darel Dallum Mke Opp Broker CRS, GRI, SFR 701.740.90 Marvin Hodny Broker Assoclate Marlan Shul Realtor Realtor 701.739.4906 701.741.024 218.791.5806 John Simonson Realtor Kevin Hodny Realtor 701.739.222 Kely Thompson Realtor 210.779.8019 Barb Hangsleben CRS, GRI, ABR 218.779.1331 701.213.1414 Dick Johnson Broker Associate GRI 701.741.0680 Mary Hoverson Realtor Scott Zukowski Realtor Cheryl Tupa GRI 701.3173314 218.791.7054 701.739.1601 Lary Hond Realtor 218.779.6071 Michael McFartane Realtor 701.864.0566 David Blumkin CRS, GRI, ABR 701.741.3415 Oxford Call Mike Opp for a career with Oxford!