Oxford REALTY 3 LOCATIONS 2009 13TH AVE N 314 KITTSON AVE 515 DEMERS AVE (701) 772-2522 OXFORDREALTYND.cOM Pengi BocED 2528 8th Ave N 5 B-2 BA $214.900 Michael 701.804.0506 1511 Walnut St 3 BR-175 A $339900 Lary 218-779 607 3179 43rd Ave S 4 BR-3 DA375000 8oo 218.791.r054 BeEDUCED RICE NE 1000 N 42nd St Commercial Property For Sale 2000000 Me 701.7409609 0 Oxbow Court 2 B2BA S314900 Kelly 218 779 8019 5102 Ela Circle 4BR275 BA500 Dw 701.741005 a6 W Main St, Laimore 5 BH-3 BA 290 Mary 701.3173314 DEMOIN NEWLING NEW L 5886 Pinehurst Cout 5 BR4 BA Se000 Kelly 218 779.0019 119Easview Dr, Larimore 3 B3 BA-as.000 Mary 701 317 3514 1705 20th Ave S 4BR 2 BA $3900 Mke: 701.7409509 teENRING 5538 Pinehurst Dr 5 BR-3BAS499000 Lary 218.7790 1731 22nd St NE, Emerado 5149 N 45h Street Rural Falconer Township $ 00Mae 705.746500 607 25h Ave S 4 BR1.75 BA $238.000 Mke: 701.740s69 5 BR-2BA S11400 Mke: 701.740 9560 REQUGCAD ide ED RERAAUPe 206 th S,Emerado 4 2 B S139900 Mary 701 317 3314 525 12h St Nw.EGF 3720 Chenry St 0-60 2DR-2DA49 900 Kely 218.779 8010 2B-1BA So900 David 701-741-3415 PRIRHOE s08 S 4th Street 4 D-325 BA $2.900 2187796071 1950 20th St. NE 1050 Robin Road NE Land Lot $74.900 Lary 218 7796071 4 BR25BA $2400 Lary 2587796071 CENBNG 2514 Hannah Ave NW Bemid Commercil r lease John Bmonson 701.2131414 616 Maplewood Dr. Thompson 4 BR-35 BA $372.000 Lary 218 7708071 518 S 4th Street 4 BR-3.25 BA $262900 Lary 218.779 6o 512 Beacon Circle 3 BR-25BA $300.000 Lany 218.779 0or 512 Booth Ave, Larimore- 4 B-25 BA $137.777 513 Terry Ave, Larimore 3 B-2 BA S138,000 Mary 7013173314 160 aes in Mashall County MN Land $144 000 David 701-741-3415 3210 Chemy S #26 2 D 1BA590.900 Mary 701317 3314 Bart 218779 1331 Call Mike Opp for a career with Oxford! Oxford REALTY 3 LOCATIONS 2009 13TH AVE N 314 KITTSON AVE 515 DEMERS AVE (701) 772-2522 OXFORDREALTYND.cOM Pengi BocED 2528 8th Ave N 5 B-2 BA $214.900 Michael 701.804.0506 1511 Walnut St 3 BR-175 A $339900 Lary 218-779 607 3179 43rd Ave S 4 BR-3 DA375000 8oo 218.791.r054 BeEDUCED RICE NE 1000 N 42nd St Commercial Property For Sale 2000000 Me 701.7409609 0 Oxbow Court 2 B2BA S314900 Kelly 218 779 8019 5102 Ela Circle 4BR275 BA500 Dw 701.741005 a6 W Main St, Laimore 5 BH-3 BA 290 Mary 701.3173314 DEMOIN NEWLING NEW L 5886 Pinehurst Cout 5 BR4 BA Se000 Kelly 218 779.0019 119Easview Dr, Larimore 3 B3 BA-as.000 Mary 701 317 3514 1705 20th Ave S 4BR 2 BA $3900 Mke: 701.7409509 teENRING 5538 Pinehurst Dr 5 BR-3BAS499000 Lary 218.7790 1731 22nd St NE, Emerado 5149 N 45h Street Rural Falconer Township $ 00Mae 705.746500 607 25h Ave S 4 BR1.75 BA $238.000 Mke: 701.740s69 5 BR-2BA S11400 Mke: 701.740 9560 REQUGCAD ide ED RERAAUPe 206 th S,Emerado 4 2 B S139900 Mary 701 317 3314 525 12h St Nw.EGF 3720 Chenry St 0-60 2DR-2DA49 900 Kely 218.779 8010 2B-1BA So900 David 701-741-3415 PRIRHOE s08 S 4th Street 4 D-325 BA $2.900 2187796071 1950 20th St. NE 1050 Robin Road NE Land Lot $74.900 Lary 218 7796071 4 BR25BA $2400 Lary 2587796071 CENBNG 2514 Hannah Ave NW Bemid Commercil r lease John Bmonson 701.2131414 616 Maplewood Dr. Thompson 4 BR-35 BA $372.000 Lary 218 7708071 518 S 4th Street 4 BR-3.25 BA $262900 Lary 218.779 6o 512 Beacon Circle 3 BR-25BA $300.000 Lany 218.779 0or 512 Booth Ave, Larimore- 4 B-25 BA $137.777 513 Terry Ave, Larimore 3 B-2 BA S138,000 Mary 7013173314 160 aes in Mashall County MN Land $144 000 David 701-741-3415 3210 Chemy S #26 2 D 1BA590.900 Mary 701317 3314 Bart 218779 1331 Call Mike Opp for a career with Oxford!