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  • Published Date

    October 31, 2019
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Oxford REALTY 3 LOCATIONS 2009 13TH AVE N 314 KITTSON AVE 515 DEMERS AVE (701) 772-2522 OXFORDREALTYND.cOM 3210 Cherry St #26 2 BR1 BAs oo 00 Bab: 2187791301 616 19 Ave S 252 h Ave N 5B-2 BA$214900 Michael 701.04.0506 3179 43rd Ave S 4 SR-3 BA $375000 Soot 218.791.7064 3 BR1.75 BA S150.000 Mke 701 740 EWLTING REWL OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-2:30 315 N 4th Street, Grand Forks $329000 Mke Ope 701.740 9560 119 Eastview Dr., Larimore 3BR-3 BA $235,000 Mary 701.317 3314 1705 20h Ave S 4 BR-284A $230 900 Mke 701.740 956 CRICE REAUI PcEDUCED 1000 N 42nd St Commercial Property For Sale $2.000000 Mko: 701.74095e9 406 W Main St, Larimore 5DR 3 BA$62.000 Mary 701 317 3314 1078 Oxbow Court 2 BR-2 BA $314000 Kely 218 770 n010 512 Booth Ave, Larimore 40R-25BA $137.777 Mary: 701.3173314 s08 S 4th Street 4 B-3.25 BA $26200 Lany 218779607 1950 20th SL NE 4 BR 25 BA284900 Lary 218 77a 607 1059 Robin Road NE Lind Lo S4900 Lary 218779 .607 525 12h St NW,EGF 2B 1BA So00 David 701-741-3415 206 th S,Emerado 4 2 B S139900 Mary 701 317 3314 224 N 4th St Commercial for Lease Lamy 218.779 6or 3720 Chery St 0-60 26R-2 BA-$19900 Kely. 256.779.001 1122 N 43rd Street Commercial Property 85.00 54 . Mke 701.740 95s60 710 S 14 Street Commercial for Lease $1.800monh Me 701.740 9560 512 Beacon Circle 3BR-25 BA+$309000 Lary: 2779.007 1731 22nd St NE, Emerado 5 BR-2 BA s14000 Me 701.740 95s60 5538 Pinehurst Dr 5 DR-3 BA $499000 Lary 218779 0or 5149 N 45th Street Rural Falconer Township s99900Mk 701 70 607 25th Ave S BR-1,75 BA $235000 Mke: 701.7409569 PRICERE 2514 Hannah Ave NW, Bemid Commercial for Lease John Smonson: 70 213.1414 16 acres in Marshal County MN Land $144,000 David 701-741-3415 293 Circle Hils- 2 BR-175 BA $330000 Mke: 701.740.90 Call Mike Opp for a career with Oxford! Oxford REALTY 3 LOCATIONS 2009 13TH AVE N 314 KITTSON AVE 515 DEMERS AVE (701) 772-2522 OXFORDREALTYND.cOM 3210 Cherry St #26 2 BR1 BAs oo 00 Bab: 2187791301 616 19 Ave S 252 h Ave N 5B-2 BA$214900 Michael 701.04.0506 3179 43rd Ave S 4 SR-3 BA $375000 Soot 218.791.7064 3 BR1.75 BA S150.000 Mke 701 740 EWLTING REWL OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-2:30 315 N 4th Street, Grand Forks $329000 Mke Ope 701.740 9560 119 Eastview Dr., Larimore 3BR-3 BA $235,000 Mary 701.317 3314 1705 20h Ave S 4 BR-284A $230 900 Mke 701.740 956 CRICE REAUI PcEDUCED 1000 N 42nd St Commercial Property For Sale $2.000000 Mko: 701.74095e9 406 W Main St, Larimore 5DR 3 BA$62.000 Mary 701 317 3314 1078 Oxbow Court 2 BR-2 BA $314000 Kely 218 770 n010 512 Booth Ave, Larimore 40R-25BA $137.777 Mary: 701.3173314 s08 S 4th Street 4 B-3.25 BA $26200 Lany 218779607 1950 20th SL NE 4 BR 25 BA284900 Lary 218 77a 607 1059 Robin Road NE Lind Lo S4900 Lary 218779 .607 525 12h St NW,EGF 2B 1BA So00 David 701-741-3415 206 th S,Emerado 4 2 B S139900 Mary 701 317 3314 224 N 4th St Commercial for Lease Lamy 218.779 6or 3720 Chery St 0-60 26R-2 BA-$19900 Kely. 256.779.001 1122 N 43rd Street Commercial Property 85.00 54 . Mke 701.740 95s60 710 S 14 Street Commercial for Lease $1.800monh Me 701.740 9560 512 Beacon Circle 3BR-25 BA+$309000 Lary: 2779.007 1731 22nd St NE, Emerado 5 BR-2 BA s14000 Me 701.740 95s60 5538 Pinehurst Dr 5 DR-3 BA $499000 Lary 218779 0or 5149 N 45th Street Rural Falconer Township s99900Mk 701 70 607 25th Ave S BR-1,75 BA $235000 Mke: 701.7409569 PRICERE 2514 Hannah Ave NW, Bemid Commercial for Lease John Smonson: 70 213.1414 16 acres in Marshal County MN Land $144,000 David 701-741-3415 293 Circle Hils- 2 BR-175 BA $330000 Mke: 701.740.90 Call Mike Opp for a career with Oxford!