Oxford REALTY 3 LOCATIONS 2009 13TH AVE N 314 KITTSON AVE 515 DEMERS AVE (701) 772-2522 OXFORDREALTYND.COM OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-3 429 Iron Gate CI 3BA-2 BA Ss.000 David 701.7413415 3210 Cherry St 26 2 BR-1 BAS79.000 Bab: 218770.1301 2528 Bth Ave N 414 Plain Hils Dr 4DR-225 BA S250000 Larry. 218-779 0or SBR-2 BA S214.000 Michaet 70104.0506 2001 2nd Ave N S211.000 Marvin: 701.720.4000 Seler is Reahor 315N 4th Street, Grand Forks 1705 20th Ave S 4 DR-2BA229900 Me. 701.740 9se9 OPEN HOUSE SUN 13 Mika Opp. 701.740.9560 egEDoCEd DENDING 1000 N 42nd SI Commercial Property For Sale $2.000 000 Mke 701.740 9s00 512 Booth Ave, Larimore 4DR-25BAis125.000 Mary 7013173314 406 W Main St, Larimore SDR-3BA Mary 701.3173314 1078 Oxbow Court 2 DR-2BA S309.900 Kally 218.70 019 PRIEEPESImto 500 $ 4th Street Lany 218.770'e071 1950 20 SL NE 4 BR25 BA204900 Larry 2187r6.0o 1059 Robin Road NE Land Lot S7000 Larry. 218.779.0071 PRittebuces 525 12 St Nw, EGF 206 6th St, Emerado 224 N 4h St Commercial for Lease Lamy. 218.7.0or 3720 Cherry St O60 2BR-2 BAIS14.000 Kelly. 218.7019 David 701-741-3415 Mary 701 313014 710S 14h Street 1122 N43rd Street Commercial Property S67,798. Mike 701.7409560 Commercial for Lease $1.500monh Mke 701.740.9509 512 Beacon Circle 3BR-25 BA S300.000 Larry: 2187ri eor WENDING 1731 22nd St NE, Emerado SB-2BA S114.000 Mike 701.740 e9 538 Pinehurat Dr 5BR3BA S0.000 Lary 2167.0071 5149 N 45th Street Rural Falconer Township s00- Mie 701.740 9 4862 Curran Court Mke. 701.74O 9509 PRICE REOo 2514 Hannah Ave NW, Bemid Commercial for Lease John Simonaon: 7012131414 100 res in Marhal County MN Land $144.000 David 701-741-3415 293 Circle Hils 3 BR175BA S339900 Mke 61.70e Call Mike Opp for a career with Oxford! Oxford REALTY 3 LOCATIONS 2009 13TH AVE N 314 KITTSON AVE 515 DEMERS AVE (701) 772-2522 OXFORDREALTYND.COM OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-3 429 Iron Gate CI 3BA-2 BA Ss.000 David 701.7413415 3210 Cherry St 26 2 BR-1 BAS79.000 Bab: 218770.1301 2528 Bth Ave N 414 Plain Hils Dr 4DR-225 BA S250000 Larry. 218-779 0or SBR-2 BA S214.000 Michaet 70104.0506 2001 2nd Ave N S211.000 Marvin: 701.720.4000 Seler is Reahor 315N 4th Street, Grand Forks 1705 20th Ave S 4 DR-2BA229900 Me. 701.740 9se9 OPEN HOUSE SUN 13 Mika Opp. 701.740.9560 egEDoCEd DENDING 1000 N 42nd SI Commercial Property For Sale $2.000 000 Mke 701.740 9s00 512 Booth Ave, Larimore 4DR-25BAis125.000 Mary 7013173314 406 W Main St, Larimore SDR-3BA Mary 701.3173314 1078 Oxbow Court 2 DR-2BA S309.900 Kally 218.70 019 PRIEEPESImto 500 $ 4th Street Lany 218.770'e071 1950 20 SL NE 4 BR25 BA204900 Larry 2187r6.0o 1059 Robin Road NE Land Lot S7000 Larry. 218.779.0071 PRittebuces 525 12 St Nw, EGF 206 6th St, Emerado 224 N 4h St Commercial for Lease Lamy. 218.7.0or 3720 Cherry St O60 2BR-2 BAIS14.000 Kelly. 218.7019 David 701-741-3415 Mary 701 313014 710S 14h Street 1122 N43rd Street Commercial Property S67,798. Mike 701.7409560 Commercial for Lease $1.500monh Mke 701.740.9509 512 Beacon Circle 3BR-25 BA S300.000 Larry: 2187ri eor WENDING 1731 22nd St NE, Emerado SB-2BA S114.000 Mike 701.740 e9 538 Pinehurat Dr 5BR3BA S0.000 Lary 2167.0071 5149 N 45th Street Rural Falconer Township s00- Mie 701.740 9 4862 Curran Court Mke. 701.74O 9509 PRICE REOo 2514 Hannah Ave NW, Bemid Commercial for Lease John Simonaon: 7012131414 100 res in Marhal County MN Land $144.000 David 701-741-3415 293 Circle Hils 3 BR175BA S339900 Mke 61.70e Call Mike Opp for a career with Oxford!