
Interior/ Exterior Painting, Roofing, Remodeling, & Fencing. All your needs, one call. From a new paint job, to a new roof, re-roof, or a remodel, to a new fence; we'll do it all. 10+ years experience in all specified categories. The business was started it 2009 in Grand Forks, ND (our primary place of business) with a paint brush, a step ladder, and a compact car. We've continued to expand our lines of work and capabilities and will continue to do so well into the future, because we love what we do. Friendly service and Quality work are attributes we live by. We've been called perfectionists, this is something that we think you'll appreciate when we are working for you. If you have any repair or improvement projects that you'd like to have completed; feel free to contact Kelly. He'll gladly give you a free consultation on your project followed by a free estimate.

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