COMMUNITY HEALTH CORNER With Chief Pharmacist, Sarah Schmidt at Thrifty White Pharmacy 2475 32nd Ave S in Grand Forks. September is National Cholesterol Education Month It's a good time to get your cholesterol levels checked and take steps to lower it, if it's high. High cholesterol puts you at greater risk foe beart disease and stroke. Cholesterol is a far-lake, waxy substance that can be found in all parts of your body It helps your body make cell membranes, many hormones, and vitamin D. The cholesterol in your blood comes from two sources the foods you eat and your liver. Your liver makes all the cholesterol your body ncods. A cholesterol screening is an overall look athe fars in your blood What is LDL (low-density lipoprotcin) HDL (high -density lipoprotcin) cholesterol HDL Cgood) chollesterol, hedlps to remove cholesterol from the blood. This keps plaque from building up in your arteries. LDL ("bad") chollesterol is a type of fat in the blood that concains the most choleserol. It can contribute to the formation of plaque buildup in the anterics (atherosclerosis). This is linked to higher risk for heart attack and stroke You want your LDL to be low To help lonwer it You want your HDL to be as high as possible. Some people can raise HDI bys Avoid foods high in saturated fat Exercising for at least 30 minutes dietary choleterol, and extra calories . Exercise times a week Quitring smoking SMaitan a healthy weight Not caring saturated fats . Loning weight Stop smoking Manage Your High Cholesterol with These Moves Exercise does have the power to lower LDL (bad") cholesterol and increase HDL("good) cholesterol, Just remember this equation: acrobic activity resistance training boosted heart rate! Need some examples of exercise that will get your ticker pumping and kick that high cholestcrol out the door? Brisk walking- Power walking will boost your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and strengthen your heart. It can also significantly reduce your risk for stroke-more so as you pick up the pace. High-intensity interval training- This type of workout requires intense periods of exercise for up to 8 minutes But then you get a recovery period that lasts just as lonyg. Weightlifting-Is time to pump you up! Research suggests resistance training can improve cholesterol levels. Your Thrifty White Pharmacist can help you learn about the ris high cholesterol can have on your health and suggest changes to your food choices and lifestyles habits to help lower your choleste O Employee Owned 2475 32nd Ave. South 701-775-4209 Hours: Mon-Fri: 9 am-8pm PHARMACY 1295 5S Columbia Rad TWO LOCATIONS IN GRAND FORKS! 1395 C S. Columbia Road 701-746-1800 Hours: Mon Fri: 9 am 7 pm Sat: 9 am-1:30pm Sun: Closed BUY ONLNE Gilindrugstete www O O O