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  • Published Date

    November 22, 2018
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The SANTA CLAUS GIRLS NEED YOUR HELP! For over 100 years the Santa Claus Girls have helped children-in Grand Forks and East Grand Forks- have a Merry Christmas who otherwise might not have the opportunity. We can't accomplish this without your generous donations&your time. This year 1200 children will receivea gift package containing toys, socks, mittens, books and a bag of candy. The cost of providing this small package to each child amounts to $24,000 per year Your generous donations make this very successful program possible- thank you! For more information, call 701-780-1100. Santa Clau) GRS I YES, I want to help the Santa Claus Girls. Enclosed is my donation.| Name Address City Amount of donation S Mail this coupon, along with your donation to: Santa Claus Girls do GF Herald PO Box 6008 Grand Forks, ND 58206-6008 State 1 Payment Type Check Cash Credit Card MasterCard Card Number Signature Print Name Here Discover Grand Forks Herald Exp. Date