Grand Forks East Grand Forks METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION PUBLIC NOTICE The Grand Forks - East Grand Forks Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will hold a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the MPO FY2025 to FY2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP also incorporates the local transit operators' Program of Projects (POP). The hearing will be held during a regular, monthly meeting of the MPO's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). It will be a hybrid meeting located in the Training Room of East Grand Forks City Hall, 600 DeMers Ave, East Grand Forks, MN or contact Forks MPO for the link to the meeting. The hearing will be held at 1:30 PM on February 12, 2025. The public, particularly special and private sector transportation providers, are encouraged to provide input via email at A copy of the proposed amendment is available for review and comment at the MPO website www. Written comments on the proposed amendment can be submitted to the email address before noon on February 12, 2025. All comments received prior to noon on the meeting day will be considered part of the record of the meeting as if personally presented. If substantial changes occur to the document due to comments received, the MPO will hold another public hearing on the changes. For further information, contact Teri Kouba at 701-746-2660. The Forks MPO will make every reasonable accommodation to provide an accessible meeting facility for all persons. Appropriate provisions for the hearing and visually challenged or persons with limited English Proficiency (LEP) will be made if the meeting conductors are notified 5 days prior to the meeting date, if possible. To request language interpretation, an auxiliary aid or service (i.e., sign language interpreter, accessible parking, or materials in alternative format) contact Stephanie Halford of Forks MPO at 701-746-2660. Materials can be provided in alternative formats: large print, Braille, cassette tape, or on computer disk for people with disabilities or with LEP by Stephanie Halford of GF- EGF MPO at 701-746-2660. TTY users may use Relay North Dakota 711 or 1-800-366-6888. Grand Forks East Grand Forks METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION PUBLIC NOTICE The Grand Forks - East Grand Forks Metropolitan Planning Organization ( MPO ) will hold a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the MPO FY2025 to FY2028 Transportation Improvement Program ( TIP ) . The TIP also incorporates the local transit operators ' Program of Projects ( POP ) . The hearing will be held during a regular , monthly meeting of the MPO's Technical Advisory Committee ( TAC ) . It will be a hybrid meeting located in the Training Room of East Grand Forks City Hall , 600 DeMers Ave , East Grand Forks , MN or contact Forks MPO for the link to the meeting . The hearing will be held at 1:30 PM on February 12 , 2025. The public , particularly special and private sector transportation providers , are encouraged to provide input via email at . A copy of the proposed amendment is available for review and comment at the MPO website www . . Written comments on the proposed amendment can be submitted to the email address before noon on February 12 , 2025. All comments received prior to noon on the meeting day will be considered part of the record of the meeting as if personally presented . If substantial changes occur to the document due to comments received , the MPO will hold another public hearing on the changes . For further information , contact Teri Kouba at 701-746-2660 . The Forks MPO will make every reasonable accommodation to provide an accessible meeting facility for all persons . Appropriate provisions for the hearing and visually challenged or persons with limited English Proficiency ( LEP ) will be made if the meeting conductors are notified 5 days prior to the meeting date , if possible . To request language interpretation , an auxiliary aid or service ( i.e. , sign language interpreter , accessible parking , or materials in alternative format ) contact Stephanie Halford of Forks MPO at 701-746-2660 . Materials can be provided in alternative formats : large print , Braille , cassette tape , or on computer disk for people with disabilities or with LEP by Stephanie Halford of GF- EGF MPO at 701-746-2660 . TTY users may use Relay North Dakota 711 or 1-800-366-6888 .