Your Bones Will Get Tell Your Story. My Story Continues Thanks to the Matthys Approach to Joint Replacement. &Go Dr. Gary Matthys studied extensively at Harvard Medical Center, the Hip and Pelvis Institute in Santa Monica and Baylor University Medical Center, and is a regional leader in minimally invasive joint replacement techniques 2008 Shoulder Replacement It was football season 76 Iwo games away North Dakota born and raised, Dr. Matthys is a nationally respected orthopaedic surgeon. He is currently accepting appointments for joint pain patients. Let him help write the rest of your story. from the playoffs and I got injured- shoulder dislocation. The worst part is, it isn't the last time it happened. I lived with the pain for years until I got it fixed for good 2010 Hip Replacement I went down quick. Slipped and fell on ice in 10. Landed right on my hip. But the direct anterior hip replacement technique surgery got me up and running in no time Learn More About Your Hip And Knee Pain. Join us at our FREE seminar at Country Inn and Suites June 7, 2018 5-7:30 p.m. 3101 S. 42nd St. Grand Forks, ND Please call to register. Space is limited. 2017 Knee Replacement My knee had been giving me trouble for years, but in '13 I just couldn't get the miles I used to. It was then I realized some things simply wear out. MATTHYS ORTH OPAEDICS Center for Minimal Invasive Joint Surgery 1-866-887-9300 2018 Now it's 2018 and I've started training for my first cycling event.